To subscribe to our newsletter, please send an e-mail to [email protected].
Newsletter 192 (22 March 2025)
Topics: Interest rate increased for bank deposits with the Central Bank; new SOP for sending workers to South Korea and Singapore; fees for setting up a copyright management organisation
Newsletter 191 (11 March 2025)
Topics: Update on the restrictions for Myanmar workers to go abroad
Newsletter 190 (2 March 2025)
Topics: Importers of goods without import license to be blacklisted; worrying decision on commercial tax fines; reshuffling of the SEZ Central Body and the SEZ Central Working Body; reshuffling of the Competition Commission; FATF status of Myanmar remains unchanged
Newsletter 189 (23 February 2025)
Topics: Private Security Services Law; court fees increased; Supreme Court on the recognition of foreign arbitral awards
Newsletter 188 (1 February 2025)
Topics: State of emergency extended; Union Government reshuffled
Newsletter 187 (27 January 2025)
Topics: National Service Rules issued; Customs Department reverts back to the CBM reference rate
Newsletter 186 (19 January 2025)
Topics: Labour law seminar; advance rulings on origin; insurance directives
Newsletter 185 (12 January 2025)
Topics: Additional documents to be filed when applying for the registration of share transfers and the change of directors
Newsletter 184 (9 January 2025)
Topics: US Bureau of Industry and Security adds Mytel operator to its entity list; longer power cuts
Newsletter 183 (3 January 2025)
Topics: Cybersecurity Law criminalises the use of VPNs without permission
Newsletter 182 (29 December 2024)
Topics: Taxes on import/export to be paid in MMK at the “market trading rate”; prohibition to send Myanmar migrant workers to work on palm oil plantations in Malaysia
Newsletter 181 (28 December 2024)
Topics: Payment of income tax on salary agreed to be paid in foreign currency but actually paid in MMK; industrial design registration applications published; important tax judgment on BOT contracts; export by foreign companies; goods that may be imported into a bonded warehouse without obtaining an import license in advance; addition of goods to the list of goods for which 25% of the export earnings in border trade must be converted
Newsletter 180 (25 December 2024)
Topics: Amendments to the Motion Picture Law; customs procedures for CMP factories; oilfield decommissioning; bridge holidays; second testing of imported goods; intellectual property updates
Newsletter 179 (5 December 2024)
Topics: Online sales business registration certificates to be issued only after on-site inspection; reshuffling of the MIC’s proposal assessment team; working committee to prepare an MoU with China on a “joint venture security company” established; tourist visas on arrival; seminar for NGOs and INGOs
Newsletter 178 (25 November 2024)
Topics: Compulsory registration of rice warehouses
Newsletter 177 (24 November 2024)
Topics: Important tax judgment for the oil and gas industry; amendments to the standard contract between overseas employment agencies and migrant workers; formation of initial gold screening teams and a license review committee
Newsletter 176 (3 November 2024)
Topics: Tradenet 2.0 and electronic taxpayer registration system linked; patent and utility model applications may now be filed; committee established to enforce compulsory worker remittance; gold prices and gold trading; reshuffling of SEZ committees; MoU with Laos on migrant workers; online film broadcasting declared an essential service
Newsletter 175 (18 October 2024)
Topics: Fuel rationing system (update); depression of imports; unregistered associations; payments to foreign suppliers; many permissions for express delivery services; insolvency practitioners may register with DICA; environmental measures
Newsletter 174 (29 September 2024)
Topics: Counter-Terrorism Law amendment introduces substantial fines for organisations
Newsletter 173 (28 September 2024)
Topics: Thailand to legalise the stay of undocumented workers from Myanmar; repatriation of export earnings; import reference prices to be used for 1,958 types of goods; amendment of the Trusts Act; management of discarded batteries from electric vehicles; increase of the basis for calculating fire insurance premiums
Newsletter 172 (7 September 2024)
Topics: Compulsory remittances by Myanmar migrant workers; forex allocation for fuel and edible oil imports
Newsletter 171 (4 September 2024)
Topics: Fuel rationing in the works; National Service Law update; AA, MNDAA, TNLA declared terrorist organisations; travel restrictions update
Newsletter 170 (1 September 2024)
Topics: Import of pharmaceuticals
Newsletter 169 (30 August 2024)
Topics: Electricity price increase; Union Taxation Law amendment; regional industrial zone committees established; change of definition of “young child” in formulated food; establishment of food and drug supervisory committees; tender committee for purchasing equipment to register mobile phones
Newsletter 168 (25 August 2024)
Topics: Counter-terrorism units (update)
Newsletter 167 (24 August 2024)
Topics: Criminal procedure in Myanmar; reports about “counter-terrorism units”; PV passport issues (update); new Mpox forms
Newsletter 166 (15 August 2024)
Topics: Central Bank increases interest rates; PV passport issues; insolvency forms and fees; regulation on copyright collective management organisations
Newsletter 165 (12 August 2024)
Topics: Minimum wage increase
Newsletter 164 (8 August 2024)
Topics: Import reference prices; 25% export earnings conversion; compulsory deposit of THB by Myanmar workers; geographical indications
Newsletter 163 (5 August 2024)
Topics: Distributors in the automotive industry wanted
Newsletter 162 (3 August 2024)
Topics: Industrial zone committees established; IFRS to become compulsory from 2027; foreign organisations law drafting committee reshuffled; DICA notice
Newsletter 161 (27 July 2024)
Topics: Petroleum products testing license notification; overseas employment agent license fees and other particulars; additional allowance for civil servants
Newsletter 160 (20 July 2024)
Topics: Reinstating struck-off companies; notification explaining how to prosecute and sue taxpayers; private schools; number of “automatic licensing system” types of goods reduced
Newsletter 159 (15 July 2024)
Topics: Industrial Zone Rules; digital transaction amounts reduced; tariff reductions for SKD and CKD imports
Newsletter 11 June 2024
Rest in peace, Ko Nyein Chan Zaw
Newsletter 158 (31 May 2024)
Topics: VPNs blocked; customs matters; e-commerce registration; barter trade; reorganisation of SEZ committees
Newsletter 157 (7 May 2024)
Topics: Men temporarily banned from working abroad (update); Intellectual Property Department publishes first trademarks to invite oppositions
Newsletter 156 (2 May 2024)
Topics: Men temporarily banned from working abroad; increase of the minimum reserve requirement ratio and the interest rate on excess reserve; nuclear power committees established
Newsletter 155 (27 April 2024)
Topics: Tax judgments in the oil and gas sector; SAC increases National Food Law Penalties
Newsletter 154 (22 April 2024)
Topics: Tax judgments in the oil and gas sector; tax judgments on commercial tax fines; MIC tax incentive revoked; requirements for bottled water and edible oil producers
Newsletter 153 (7 April 2024)
Topics: Union Taxation Law 2024; SOP to resolve illegal farmland use and prevent re-occurrence; Unique Identity Number
Newsletter 152 (1 April 2024)
Topics: DICA and MIC double fees; registration of private schools
Newsletter 151 (25 March 2024)
Topics: Domestic travel restrictions; factory recommendation letters for workers travelling home during the Thingyan holidays; National Service Law update; revocation of telecom-related licenses; our new office address
Newsletter 150 (3 March 2024)
Topics: Copyright registration and other intellectual property matters; reorganisation of the Thilawa and the Dawei SEZ Management Committees; qualification of insolvency practitioners; ceiling of the township courts’ original jurisdiction increased; no writs during state of emergency; feeding investment data into the online system; petty cash for trips abroad; no more COVID-19 health insurance cover required when travelling to Myanmar
Newsletter 149 (15 February 2024)
Topics: Update on the draft for national service; SAC activates Reserve Forces Law
Newsletter 148 (12 February 2024)
Topics: Exporters of fish meal wanted; SAC orders implementation of framework for military draft; applications for the registration of industrial designs may now be filed; guidelines for using Indian rupees in bilateral trade; agent banking directive
Newsletter 147 (5 February 2024)
Topics: Exporters of various agricultural and aquatic products wanted; payment to foreign suppliers and other creditors; translation of the E-Commerce Guidelines uploaded; impact of US and Canadian sanctions on the use of ATOM SIM cards; SAC reshuffles Union Government
Newsletter 146 (21 January 2024)
Topics: Importers of animal feed wanted; Supreme Court issues procedures under the Insolvency Law; Insolvency Law and debt collection
Newsletter 145 (9 January 2024)
Topics: Payment to foreign suppliers and other creditors; export and import of fish to and from Vietnam; export and import through Myawaddy rerouted; issue of subordinated debt by non-bank financial institutions; foreigners working committees
Newsletter 144 (3 January 2024)
Topics: New forms for handling petroleum and petroleum products; payment of income tax by non-resident citizens; reorganisation of the Kyaukphyu SEZ Management Committee; more foreigners committees
Newsletter 143 (28 December 2023)
Topics: Online sales business (e-commerce) registration fees; permissible manufacturing years for vehicles to be imported
Newsletter 142 (26 December 2023)
Topics: Period for repatriating export earnings shortened again
Newsletter 141 (23 December 2023)
Topics: Goods exempted from obtaining an import license in advance; paying with foreign currency from the export of rice, broken rice, pulses and corn for fuel imports
Newsletter 140 (14 December 2023)
Topics: UMFCCI guidance on how export earnings are to be treated; filing trademark applications in two systems for additional protection
Newsletter 139 (7 December 2023)
Topics: Exporter to exchange 35% of their export earnings (instead of 50%)
Newsletter 138 (6 December 2023)
Topics: Official exchange rate (at least partly) abolished
Newsletter 137 (27 November 2023)
Topics: SAC’s standard operating procedures for cracking down on online fraud; new petroleum and petroleum products forms
Newsletter 136 (20 November 2023)
Topics: Procedures for adjudicating suits under the Industrial Design Rights Law and the Copyright Law; courts with jurisdiction to handle intellectual property matters; directives on the registration of private higher and basic education institutions; reshuffling of the MIC’s Proposal Assessment Team, the MIC, the Foreign Exchange Supervisory Committee, and the Central Committee for Ensuring Smooth Flow of Trade and Goods
Newsletter 135 (1 November 2023)
Topics: US sanctions MOGE; standard procedure against mobile money fraud; industrial design registration fees; copyright registration rules issued; Autonomous or Private School Supervisory Board established
Newsletter 134 (19 October 2023)
Topics: Industrial Design Rights Law and Copyright Law to enter into force on 31 October 2023
Newsletter 133 (15 October 2023)
Topics: New minimum wage (again) – does not apply to overtime
Newsletter 132 (12 October 2023)
Topics: New minimum wage (again); Industrial Design Registration Rules issued; Central Body for Multi-Modal Transportation of Goods set up
Newsletter 131 (7 October 2023)
Topics: New minimum wage; “import valuation unit” formed; new terms and conditions for motor vehicle insurances
Newsletter 130 (3 October 2023)
Topics: E-commerce business registration started; most company information no longer publicly accessible; registration of SIM cards
Newsletter 129 (24 September 2023)
Topics: New tax regime for Myanmar nationals living abroad (including migrant workers); clarification of the scope of services that are not subject to commercial tax; constitution or reorganisation of various committees
Newsletter 128 (21 September 2023)
Topics: Guidelines for overseas employment agencies; reshuffling of important committees and the MIC
Newsletter 127 (13 September 2023)
Topics: Visa extensions for private school teachers; production sharing ratio in the pearl industry
Newsletter 126 (12 September 2023)
Topics: E-Commerce Guidelines
Newsletter 125 (27 August 2023)
Topics: New withholding tax on fees paid to freelance health care professionals; reorganisation of the Economic Affairs Committee
Newsletter 124 (17 August 2023)
Topics: MIC, Foreign Exchange Supervisory Committee, Central Committee for Ensuring Smooth Flow of Trade and Goods reorganised; Procedures for Companies to be Registered on the Pre-Listing Board (PLB) of the Yangon Stock Exchange; Copyright Law to go live in October 2023; THB authorised to be used in international payment and settlement
Newsletter 123 (7 August 2023)
Topics: UMFCCI on imports and foreign currency
Newsletter 122 (30 July 2023)
Topics: Online sales business registration; SAC repeals Freshwater Fisheries Law; certificates of origin under the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement; restrictions on the sale of electric vehicles
Newsletter 121 (22 July 2023)
Topics: Online Sales Business Registration Order
Newsletter 120 (21 July 2023)
Topics: Trademark protection at customs; exporters to convert 50% of their earnings
Newsletter 119 (13 July 2023)
Topics: Online sales now “essential services”; primer on property tax
Newsletter 118 (8 July 2023)
Topics: Restrictions in border trade; IRD on housing and medical benefits
Newsletter 117 (6 July 2023)
Topics: More restrictions on payments for imports; vaccination certificate no longer required when entering the country; translations uploaded
Newsletter 116 (23 June 2023)
Topics: Central Bank centralises foreign currency trade; impact of US sanctions on MFTB and MICB; import matters
Newsletter 115 (13 June 2023)
Topics: New VPA penalties
Newsletter 114 (9 June 2023)
Topics: Arbitration in Myanmar
Newsletter 113 (29 May 2023)
Topics: Myanmar expat inward remittances; schedule of fines for customs services providers
Newsletter 112 (26 May 2023)
Topics: Refund of Customs Department fines; Supreme Court recommendation for NGOs
Newsletter 111 (20 May 2023)
Topics: Committee against foreign interference; trademark deadline extended
Newsletter 110 (13 May 2023)
Topics: New Private Education Law; new exporter/importer registration order; Central Bank involvement
Newsletter 109 (29 April 2023)
Topics: Standard operating procedures to ensure tax payments when remitting money abroad
Newsletter 108 (22 April 2023)
Topics: Feed-in tariff for small-scale solar systems
Newsletter 107 (18 April 2023)
Topics: Implementation of the new Trademark Law; adoption of IFRS 2018 postponed
Newsletter 106 (10 April 2023)
Topics: Union Taxation Law 2023; deadline for trademark re-registration
Newsletter 105 (2 April 2023)
Topics: DICA requires proof of paid-up capital and police certificates from new companies; trademark fees and Trademark Registration Rules
Newsletter 104 (27 March 2023)
Topics: Counter-Terrorism Rules; Trademark Law to enter into force; NGOs
Newsletter 103 (12 February 2023)
Topics: Expansion of tax base in the oil and gas sector; payment of taxes in foreign currency; e-visa extension; public procurement and sale and lease of state-owned assets
Newsletter 102 (27 January 2023)
Topics: DICA directive on nominee directors and shareholders; forex exemption for foreign companies; trademark grand opening imminent; Department of Consumer Affairs directive on recalls; INGO registration
Newsletter 101 (27 November 2022)
Topics: Tax and tariff developments
Newsletter 100 (7 November 2022)
Topics: Follow-up on the new Registration of Associations Law; others
Newsletter 99 (1 November 2022)
Topics: The SAC’s new Registration of Associations Law
Newsletter 98 (23 October 2022)
Topics: What the FATF blacklisting means
Newsletter 97 (16 September 2022)
Topics: Important new requirement for in-country visa extensions; sanctions for not filing annual return
Newsletter 96 (22 August 2022)
Topics: Updated requirements for setting up overseas employment agencies; forms for online trademark filings published; foreigners no longer allowed to export pulses, corn and sesame; Central Bank activities; tax compliance checklist
Newsletter 95 (18 July 2022)
Topics: Electricity and energy tenders
Newsletter 94 (16 July 2022)
Topics: Forced conversion accelerated; foreign investment in non-bank financial institutions
Newsletter 93 (14 July 2022)
Topics: Moratorium on the repayment of cross-border loans
Newsletter 92 (13 July 2022)
Topics: CBM revokes exemption from compulsory conversion for DICA companies “with 10% or more foreign investment”
Newsletter 91 (9 July 2022)
Topics: Rice/corn traders in Thailand wanted; suspension on residence requirements lifted; MoL instructions on overtime and shifts; Foreign Exchange Supervisory Committee sets up DICA reception desk; recommendation letters from trade organisations required for import licenses; checklist series
Newsletter 90 (20 June 2022)
Topics: DICA companies forex exemption confirmed; others
Newsletter 89 (12 June 2022)
Topics: Foreign currency; replacement of revoked exporter/importer registration certificates; distribution by foreign-invested companies; decommissioning of oil & gas platforms; fuel distribution; immigration checklist
Newsletter 88 (29 May 2022)
Topics: Compulsory MMK use/conversion; Thai-Myanmar/Sino-Myanmar border trade; intellectual property protection; labour law and social security checklist; sanctions primer; INGOs; oil and gas
Newsletter 87 (7 April 2022)
Topics: Central Bank directives/Q&A (compulsory conversion)
Newsletter 84 (28 January 2021)
Topics: Guidance on establishment and operation of non-bank financial institutions
Newsletter 83 (15 October 2020)
Topics: Swiss Challenge” tender for the development of an industrial park in Yangon’s “New City”
Newsletter 82 (3 October 2020)
Topics: Online trademark (re-) registration now live
Newsletter 81 (20 September 2020)
Topics: Movement further restricted in Yangon; “work from home” ordered for non-essential businesses
Newsletter 80 (29 August 2020)
Topics: Online trademark filing (re-registration of existing trademarks) from 1st October 2020
Newsletter 79 (8 August 2020)
Topics: E-commerce; land in Bago; interesting news
Newsletter 78 (24 July 2020)
Topics: Law to Prevent an Increased Quantity of Imports
Newsletter 77 (18 June 2020)
Topics: COVID-19 tax reliefs explained (by MoPFI)
Newsletter 76 (15 June 2020)
Topics: COVID-19 tax reliefs announced
Newsletter 75 (30 May 2020)
Topics: New Industrial Zone Law
Newsletter 74 (26 May 2020)
Topics: Liquor import ban largely lifted
Newsletter 73 (22 May 2020)
Topics: More on the solar tender
Newsletter 72 (19 May 2020)
Topics: Solar tender; insurance sector liberalisation
Newsletter 71 (29 April 2020)
Topics: Emergency unemployment benefits; COVID-19 stimulus measures action matrix
Newsletter 70 (27 April 2020)
Topics: Primer on banking; litigation abroad; labour; COVID-19 (sadly)
Newsletter 69 (5 December 2019)
Topics: Labelling directive; stamp duty penalty reduced; trademarks
Newsletter 68 (11 November 2019)
Topics: Trademark online filing to partially start in December; other news
Newsletter 67 (8 November 2019)
Topics: Banking sector about to be completely opened to foreign investment
Newsletter 66 (29 October 2019)
Topics: Union Tax Law 2019; Upstream Petroleum Bill
Newsletter 65 (20 August 2019)
Topics: MPT law; arbitration centre; taxation; importer registration
Newsletter 64 (28 June 2019)
Topics: Power tender
Newsletter 63 (25 June 2019)
Topics: Electricity tariffs increased
Newsletter 62 (21 June 2019)
Topics: Foreigners allowed to export rice and other commodities; import privileges for fertilisers, seeds, pesticides, hospital equipment, construction materials and agricultural equipment finally revoked; Copyright Law enacted; power barge tenders to be called in July?; amendment to the Labour Dispute Resolution Law cements status quo; GAD now under civilian control; liquor import ban to be relaxed, license system to be overhauled; new financial year; new Tax Management Law; new rules for microfinance companies; time for appointing resident directors/authorised officers running out
Newsletter 61 (8 May 2019)
Topics: Foreigners-only casinos; construction sector
Newsletter 60 (2 May 2019)
Topics: Seminar invitation: “Debt collection”; opportunity to invest in a laundry franchise
Newsletter 59 (30 April 2019)
Topics: Trademark Law; occupational health; consumer protection; gambling; insurance
Newsletter 58 (3 February 2019)
Topics: New Trademark Law; foreign banks may invest in local banks; insurance market liberalisation
Newsletter 57 (3 January 2019)
Topics: Insurance market liberalisation; easing of import rules
Newsletter 56 (31 December 2018)
Topics: Government project database; new investment promotion ministry
Newsletter 55 (9 November 2018)
Topics: Foreign banks allowed to service local businesses
Newsletter 54 (6 October 2018)
Topics: New petroleum exploration, drilling and production law (draft)
Newsletter 53 (20 September 2018)
Topics: Condominium registration offices established; casinos to be legalised
Newsletter 52 (16 August 2018)
Topics: Import, export, trade further liberalised
Newsletter 51 (30 July 2018)
Topics: Retail/wholesale; MyCO; no more individual labour arbitration
Newsletter 50 (2 July 2018)
Topics: Investing in Myanmar’s LPG sector
Newsletter 49 (22 June 2018)
Topics: 2% withholding tax largely abolished; President sets new Companies Law enforcement date
Newsletter 48 (20 May 2018)
Topics: Minimum wage approved; elevated highway project; others
Newsletter 47 (11 May 2018)
Topics: Foreign retail and wholesale companies allowed
Newsletter 46 (9 May 2018)
Topics: Re-registration of companies; investment criteria
Newsletter 45 (22 April 2018)
Topics: Education open to 100% foreign investment; criteria for investments in electricity, oil and gas and agriculture
Newsletter 44 (4 April 2018)
Topics: Massive city development project; no welcome tax news
Newsletter 43 (20 February 2018)
Topics: Welcome tax news!
Newsletter 42 (2 February 2018)
Topics: 4 big electricity projects awarded; new MIC; others
Newsletter 41 (5 January 2018)
Topics: Tenders for two rental power projects
Newsletter 40 (3 January 2018)
Topics: New minimum wage
Newsletter 39 (27 December 2017)
Topics: Condominium Rules; new offshore licensing round 2018; lots more
Newsletter 38 (10 December 2017)
Topics: Penalties under the new Companies Law; big tax administration tender
Newsletter 37 (27 November 2017)
Topics: Import and sale of agricultural machines now open to foreign investment
Newsletter 36 (26 November 2017)
Topics: Seminar on new Companies Law; MIC notifications; others
Newsletter 35 (25 November 2017)
Topics: New Companies Law enacted
Newsletter 34 (3 November 2017)
Topics: New fiscal year; updated requirements for work permits; extension of tax benefits
Newsletter 33 (14 October 2017)
Topics: LL.M.; new custom tariffs; PSCs
Newsletter 32 (12 September 2017)
Topics: New tender alert function
Newsletter 31 (6 September 2017)
Topics: New employment contract template
Newsletter 30 (28 August 2017)
Topics: Petroleum and Petroleum Products Law; many other topics
Newsletter 29 (10 August 2017)
Topics: Corporate income tax for YSX listed companies reduced to 20%
Newsletter 28 (3 August 2017)
Topics: New foreign lawyer, Companies Bill, stamp duty amendments, immigration, lots of other things
Newsletter 27 (27 June 2017)
Topics: Stamp duty draft; trade liberalization; new Investment Law
Newsletter 26 (19 June 2017)
Topics: Investment guide; mini power projects; aspects of the new Investment Law
Newsletter 25 (12 June 2017)
Topics: New partner; seminars
Newsletter 24 (29 May 2017)
Topics: Draft Gemstone Law; first MIC endorsements; many other news
Newsletter 23 (13 April 2017)
Topics: New Investment Law by-laws complete; legal framework for credit rating agencies
Newsletter 22 (27 March 2017)
Topics: MOGE tenders
Newsletter 21 (23 March 2017)
Topics: Union Tax Law 2017, electricity and energy, lots of other things
Newsletter 20 (23 February 2017)
Topics: Foreigners laws; MIC; lots of other things
Newsletter 19 (27 January 2017)
Topics: New withholding tax rates; our services
Newsletter 18 (23 January 2017)
Topics: Law to Prevent Increased Imports (draft); good “Costs in Myanmar” survey published; Central Bank after export earnings
Newsletter 17 (16 January 2017)
Topics: LNG terminal; first draft of the new Investment Rules; import restrictions planned
Newsletter 16 (8 January 2017)
Topics: Payments in foreign currency; translation of the Foreign Exchange Management Regulation; import restrictions
Newsletter 15 (21 December 2016)
Topics: Local developer seeks partners for big projects; Foreigners Bill; Draft Work Permit Law; Central Bank; Rakhine State
Newsletter 14 (6 December 2016)
Topics: New visa rules; Vehicle import policy
Newsletter 13 (28 November 2016)
Topics: MIC invites comments on Investment Rules; crackdown on undocumented foreigners; MoC notification 74/2016
Newsletter 12 (17 November 2016)
Topics: New Investment Law to go live on 1st January 2017; power ship to supply electricity to Yangon
Newsletter 11 (6 November 2016)
Topics: Implementation of the new Investment Law; anti-corruption efforts; market access; implications of the lifting of the American sanctions
Newsletter 10 (20 October 2016)
Topics: New Investment Law enacted; stamp duty rates reduced; market access
Newsletter 9 (8 October 2016)
Topics: American sanctions lifted
Newsletter 8 (28 September 2016)
Topics: Minimum capital of microfinance companies increased; Central Bank criteria for cross-border loans; translation of IRD letter on stamp duty for collateralized loans
Newsletter 7 (7 August 2016)
Topics: How foreigners can engage in wholesale and retail; national economic policy; pricing
Newsletter 6 (23 July 2016)
Topics: Translation of the latest draft of the new Investment Law; high-rise building projects; further information on trade in construction materials
Newsletter 5 (11 July 2016)
Topics: Translation of Ministry of Commerce Notification 56/2016 allowing foreigners to trade in construction materials
Newsletter 4 (27 June 2016)
Topics: Institutional framework for investing in the power sector; registering long-term lease agreements
Newsletter 3 (9 June 2016)
Topics: The new Myanmar Investment Commission; change to DICA’s filing fees; translation of the Road Transport Business Law
Newsletter 2 (12 April 2016)
Topics: Central Bank’s new regulations on mobile financial services; translation of the Shops and Establishments Law, 2016
Newsletter 1 (4 April 2016)
Topics: The new cabinet; analysis and translations of the Union Tax Law and the Special Goods Tax Law; translation of MIC Notification 26/2016 specifying restricted businesses